Home Insurance

Here at RC Insurance Brokers we offer Homeowners insurance and Renters insurance. We have an array of carriers to pick from. Whether its a Renters or Home Owners policy, it may cover burglary, theft, damage due to fire and other perils.

What is homeowners insurance?

Homeowners insurance is an agreement between you and your insurance company that can cover your house, unattached structures, lawsuits against you, and more. When you buy homeowners insurance, you’re buying “coverages,” which are essentially things your insurer (the insurance company) agrees to pay for.

It’s basically like paying a little now to avoid potentially paying a lot later.

How does homeowners insurance work?

When you purchase insurance, your insurer or agent will ask simple questions about you and your home, and then you’ll have some options when picking coverages. Several of these factors can impact your price. Generally, more coverage means a higher price. Then if your house is damaged or something else happens, you can file a “claim” with your insurance company. That’s an insurance term for asking for payment based on what’s protected on your policy. If it’s covered, they’ll pay for the damages or losses up to your specified coverage limits.

Do I need homeowners insurance?

Homeowners insurance is not legally required. But, if you have (or are getting) a mortgage, your lender will likely require you to purchase insurance to protect their investment. In fact, we can will help coordinate details with your lender.

How to buy homeowners insurance

Here at RC Insurance Brokers offer various ways to purchase homeowners insurance. Here’s the steps that are required:

  1. Get a quote
  2. Approve the quote
  3. Signature of Approval and depending on your billing method, the mortgage company and us will work out the details.


What to know when filing Home Insurance Claim

After a home burglary, safety is the biggest concern. When it is safe to enter, you will need to file your a claim with your Insurance carrier. After a fire loss it will be important to be detail to provide losses to your insurance company.

Four Steps to Home Inventory Checklist:
  1. Do a walk through, make a detail list of inventory in your home. Take your smartphone as you walk through your home and describe the items you see. On your list be as detailed as possible, make, models, quantities, and value of the items. Be sure to open drawers, closets and bags.
  2. Keep your list in a safe place that a fire or  thief can’t get to it. Create a list and store it in your cloud, such as Google, One Drive, or phone storage. Upload your videos and photos to your Cloud. Be sure to share the file with your spouse, in case you forget your password.
  3. Continue to update your Inventory list each time to make a significant purchase. Be sure to add detail information on your list while its still fresh in you mind. Be sure to take a picture of the receipt and upload to the cloud. This is also a good time to delete items that you have replaced or no longer own
  4.  Consider Value items and be detailed. Valued items such as Jewelry, Art, and Collectibles may have an increase in value since its first purchased. Firearms, make sure you have Serial numbers and pictures of the Firearms that are stolen. Be sure to report them stolen to local law enforcement. Make sure you have adequate insurance coverage for these items as they may need to have additional coverages.

To Learn more about how RC Insurance can help you protect your Home and belongings, checkout our Home Insurance page and be sure to contact us for a consultation.