Barber Shop Insurance

Do you have what you need to cover your Barber Shop?

Does your current plan include:

  • Loss of Income
    • You’re no longer receiving an income, do you have something to fall back on? This coverage provides a steady income until your business is fully functioning.
  • General Liability
    •   A client falls in your store, are you covered when he wants you to cover the $5,000 medical bill?
  • Professional Coverage
    • This provides coverage for bodily injury against past-rendered services. You accidentally nick a clients ear and use a styptic pencil to stop the bleeding. Months later they’re diagnosed with an infection and sues you. Professional liability insurance can protect you by covering the clients medical costs as well as your defense costs if need be.
  • Employment Related Practices Liability  
    • This provides protection for claims against you for “wrongful acts” committed against the employee. An employee believes they’ve been terminated due to their race, ethnicity, religious preference, etc. do you know what to do? Coverage is at 75k or 100k
  • Employee Dishonesty
    • Coverage for dishonest or fraudulent acts of your employees at $50,000
  • Electronic Data
    • Your policy has $10k of coverage replacing or restoring electronic data that has been destroyed or corrupted

We have customizable plans that will best suit your business! Give us a call!