Janitorial Insurance

If you are a janitor regularly working on-site at customers’ offices and buildings, handling delicate and expensive items, and using heavy duty cleaning products, you may want to consider General Liability insurance for you and your business. Since even seemingly harmless situations can lead to lawsuits filed against you, We offer janitorial liability insurance to protect janitors from these risks. At RC Insurance Brokers we have many options to chose from.

RCIB, understands the risks that janitors face on a daily basis and customizes janitor insurance coverage to fit your business specific needs. Even liability claims that are baseless can drain a business’s assets, so it is in a small business’s best interests to plan ahead for litigious situations. We are in the business of encouraging courage and inspiring confidence in small business owners such as you.

If providing janitorial services is just one of many things that your small business offers, then you may also be interested in learning more about these other types of insurance that RCIB provides.